RNAmodR: analyzing high throughput sequencing data for post-transcriptional RNA modification footprintsUpdated 6 months ago

Felix G.M. Ernst and Denis L.J. Lafontaine

Rendered from RNAmodR.Rmd in RNAmodR 1.19.0.
EpiTxDb: creating an EpiTxDb objectUpdated 6 months ago

Felix G.M. Ernst

Rendered from EpiTxDb-creation.Rmd in EpiTxDb 1.17.0.
Importing from to tRNAdb and mitotRNAdb as GRangesUpdated 8 months ago

Felix G.M. Ernst

Rendered from tRNAdbImport.Rmd in tRNAdbImport 1.23.0.
EpiTxDb: Storing and accessing epitranscriptomic information using the AnnotationDbi interfaceUpdated 3 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst

Rendered from EpiTxDb.Rmd in EpiTxDb 1.17.0.
ModstringsUpdated 4 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst & Denis L.J. Lafontaine

Rendered from Modstrings.Rmd in Modstrings 1.21.0.
Importing tRNAscan-SE output as GRangesUpdated 4 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst

Rendered from tRNAscanImport.Rmd in tRNAscanImport 1.25.0.
ROCR: visualizing classifier performance in RUpdated 4 years ago

Tobias Sing, Oliver Sander, Niko Beerenwinkel, Thomas Lengauer

Rendered from ROCR.Rmd in ROCR 1.0-11.
ModDNAString alphabetUpdated 5 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst & Denis L.J. Lafontaine

Rendered from ModDNAString-alphabet.Rmd in Modstrings 1.21.0.
ModRNAString alphabetUpdated 5 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst & Denis L.J. Lafontaine

Rendered from ModRNAString-alphabet.Rmd in Modstrings 1.21.0.
RNAmodR.ML: detecting patterns of post-transcriptional modifications using machine learningUpdated 5 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst and Denis L.J. Lafontaine

Rendered from RNAmodR.ML.Rmd in RNAmodR.ML 1.19.0.
Analyzing tRNA sequences and structuresUpdated 5 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst

Rendered from tRNA.Rmd in tRNA 1.23.0.
StructstringsUpdated 5 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst

Rendered from Structstrings.Rmd in Structstrings 1.21.0.
RNAmodR: RiboMethSeqUpdated 5 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst and Denis L.J. Lafontaine

Rendered from RNAmodR.RiboMethSeq.Rmd in RNAmodR.RiboMethSeq 1.19.0.
RNAmodR: AlkAnilineSeqUpdated 5 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst and Denis L.J. Lafontaine

Rendered from RNAmodR.AlkAnilineSeq.Rmd in RNAmodR.AlkAnilineSeq 1.19.0.
RNAmodR: creating classes for additional modification detection from high throughput sequencing.Updated 5 years ago

Felix G.M. Ernst

Rendered from RNAmodR.creation.Rmd in RNAmodR 1.19.0.